Affordable & Trusted Pest Control Service

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  • Open 365 Days

    We operate 24X7X365 days. Same-day onsite emergency service available for Ahemdabad.

  • Eco-Friendly Process

    We follow government-approved products & eco-friendly methods to make your home pest-free.

  • Experienced Professionals

    We have trained certified technicians to exterminate pests without creating any headaches for you.

  • Rapid Response

    We ensure every customer gets a rapid response for the pest control treatment, within the same day.

We Can Help You With These Pests

Make your home pest-free today by a professional pest control company in Ahemdabad. We are iso certified pest management company. We provide pest control, anti-termite treatment, cockroach control, rat control, mosquito fogging service and other pest control services in Ahemdabad at affordable pricing.

Termite Control

Termite colonies eat non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week; causing billions of dollars worth of property damage around the world. Book us now.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches transmit diseases, contaminate food, and induce allergies. If someone in your building has them, Guess what? You Have Them Too!

Mosquito Control

Everyone recognizes that mosquitoes can be a terrible blood-feeding nuisance, but most people do not realize the magnitude of the health threat that they represent.

Rodent Control

Unfortunately, Rats and mice live wherever humans live. As they forage for food, they will inadvertently contaminate food storage areas and damage buildings.

Bed Bug Control

Krishna Pest Management is highly skilled in bed bug extermination. We will recommend the best solution for your particular situation and budget.

Other Pest Control

Krishna Pest Control exterminates various types of pests. We operate 365 days for Ahemdabad locals. We offer pest control treatment at affordable rates.


Extremely efficient and 100% solutions for pest control.. Superior service and thorough look after the customer requirements.. Good work.


Nikhil Patel

Good & clean service by Krishna Pest Control. Highly recommended for home pest control service in Ahemdabad.


Pradeep Sharma

Pre-construction termite control service done by Krishna Pest Control is high quality service. I'm fully satisfied by them.


ultimate protection guarantee

Pest Free Home Within Same Day
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Residential Pest control

Homes have several hiding locations for pests to reproduce & eat. Pests are responsible for causing millions of money damage to homes & other property. Here we came to protect your home against these pests.

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Commercial Pest control

Commercial buildings have plenty of food, warmth, water and nesting sites, pests can remain active all year round. These pests cause several damages to the building costing you money every year. A professional pest control company can help you.

Our Story In Numbers

Years Of Exterminating
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Happy Customers
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Pest Free Homes
0 +

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Plots Shahalam Tolnaka
Ahmedabad 380028 Gujrat

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